Two of the closest parking options are:
Valet parking in our building, 330 South Second Avenue. Entrance is located off of Third Street. The hours are 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 612-341-8000
Downtown Auto Park Ramp, 409 Marquette Avenue. Conveniently located at the corner of Fourth Street and Marquette Avenue. Enter off Marquette Avenue. 612-330-0420.
Public Transportation
You can take light-rail service via either the Blue Line or the Green Line. The closest stop is the Nicollet Mall Light Rail Station, which is .2 miles away from our buiding on 5th Street between Nicollet Mall and Marquette Avenue. After exiting the train, walk on 5th Street toward Marquette Avenue and then turn left onto Marquette Avenue. Walk one block north and then turn right onto Fourth Street. Our buildng entrace is located at the corner of 2nd Avenue South and Fourth Street.
For access by bus, check the Metro Transit bus schedules for specific times and routes. http://www.metrotransit.org.